You found my artwork (thank you)! You fell in love with a piece and started visualizing exactly where it would go. Then you found out that the original had already sold. What a letdown.
I know how disappointing it can be to set your sights on something only to find that it’s sold out. And I don’t want you to be disappointed when you visit my shop.
One of the things I love most about commissioned pieces is that I get to revisit some of my favorite paintings again. It’s incredibly therapeutic and each time I learn something different about the process and about myself. Plus, it’s such a joy for me to send it off to a happy client. Please note: I do not recreate paintings inch by inch. Each piece is a one-off and truly unique.
Throughout the creation of your piece, I send progress photos along the way. It really is a collaborative process between me and you!
Ready to be that next client?
Nuts and bolts: Commissions take anywhere from 4-8 weeks to complete depending on your vision. All custom work starts at $5000. We start with your color palette and design preferences and I send photos along the way! A 50% deposit is required to get started on your painting, after we've hashed out the details.
To read more about my commission client journey, click here: